Monday, September 12, 2011

Xian - Terracotta Worriers

Xian was the orignal capital of China until 1398. It's a medium size city of 9 million people.

Our tour guide Sam comes from Xian and was happy to be home for the next 2 days.

Xian is famous for a few things - one is Dim Sum.

We had a night out of some cultural dancing.

What Xian is really famous for is the Terracotta Worriers

The worriers were built by the first emperor of China - Qin in 220 BC.
Emperor Qin was famous for uniting all the Chinese provinces and people into one nation.

Seeing the worriers makes us feel the whole trip was worth it.

The are over 8000 worriers and horses.

I must have seen this view on the discovery chanel over 100 times.

Xian is one of the last cities to still have it's original city wall still standing after thousands of years.

Juice bought one of these dresses...which colour dress do you think?