Saturday, September 10, 2011

Cheng Du - Panda

Hello Cheng Du, city has 15 million people living in it.

In order to cope with the city growth they're building massive apartments just like all other cities.
Another building sight.

We went out for a little shopping in the city centre.

Hmmmm people, lots of them, luckily I can see were to go.

Traffic is a daily change.

Out for some local Chinese song and dance.

The art of 'face changing'

In the morning we're headed out to what Cheng Du is famous for...Panda's

Our first Panda. He was simply chilling and eating his daily share of 15 kgs of bamboo

Pandas are not bears. They're their own species Pandas

Juice doing her Panda impression

Pandas can climb trees.

Kimble feeling a little hungry and thought a little bamboo would do.

A little red panda

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