Sunday, December 5, 2010

Ironman WA 2010

Yes it was time for another manic day of exercise.
I was going to do my 3rd Ironman Event.

Ironman Western Australia in the town of Busselton.

Clearly my race number was #550.

Sitting at the swim start. You can see the 1.9km turn around point at the end of the jetty.
Some of the Bondifit team - the crowd Juice & I swim.
Off we go, 3.8km swim - 1h04.

Some of the cruel bike markings. As if we need to know we'd only done 45km of 180km

180.2k Bike - 6h04
42.2km Run - 4h48

Happiness is...Finishing an Ironman!!!

heard those wonderful words again...
"Kim Jardine...You are an Ironman!"

Goal achieved.
Total time - 12h13:08

Another Ironman medal, Towel and shirt.